
Our Global Community

Abdias Rivas

Academic Support Coordinator

Adrian Wilson

Science Teacher

Angela Ruiz

Middle School Special Populations Coordinator

Annibel Heinson-Devora

Operations Associate Middle School

Annie Huynh

Principal Elementary School

Anthony Johnson

(sub), Math

Bertha Navarro

Special Education Teacher

Christine Jenkins

Elementary School Dean, PreK-2

Claudia Cruz


Damisa Henry

Communications and Operations Associate

Danielle Fontnel

Teaching Assistant

Eddie Cardona


Eric Scheetz

Assistant Principal Middle School

Eunice Honny

Special Education Teacher

Gareth Daley

Chief Financial Officer

Graciela Pagan

Specials Teaching Assistant

Grimilda Vega

Office Manager Elementary School

Hanny Cepeda

Enrollment Coordinator

Hiranya Hernandez

Security (part-time)

Imari Deas


Isabel Estrada-Jamison


Jaleia Woods

General Education Teacher

Janis Heller

General Education Teacher

Jasmin Candelario

Chief Schools Officer, Middle School, Principal

Jennifer Polanco

Teaching Assistant

Jessica Munoz

General Education Teacher

Jon Handel

General Education Teacher

Jose Alape

Facilities Associate Elementary School

Juliet deButts

General Education Teacher

Kandice Miller

Intervention K-2

Kingsley Osei

General Education Teacher

Kristan Norgrove

Executive Director

Kurt Palmer


Lauren Harrowa

General Education Teacher

Lavor Morris

Lynderia Mansfield

General Education Teacher

Melissa Adamez

General Education Teacher

Nayelys Bencosme

General Education Teacher

Nikki Matos

Classroom Teacher

Ohanys Rodriguez

Executive Assistant

Paul Chester

Special Education Teacher

Regina Nunez

General Education Teacher

Robert Hughes


Roberto Sime

Facilities Associate Middle School

Ryan Phinisee

ENL Intervention

Samantha Williams

Classroom Teacher

Sheena Washington

General Education Teacher

Stephanie Garcia

Teaching Assistant

Steven Strauss


Vanascia Crawford

Teaching Assistant

Viviane Bonfim

Special Education Teacher

Wanda Squires

Director of Talent

Wilving Lopez

Operations Associate

Yetta Howell

PreK-2 Counseling, PreK-8 Social Worker

We value your feedback!

Please select which feedback form you would like to submit from the options below.

We value for feedback!

Please select which feedback form you would like to submit from the options below.

      Email Address/ correo electrónico*

      Parent-Guardian Name/ Nombre del padre, madre o tutor*

      Please provide us with the best phone number to reach you at.

      Indíquenos el mejor número de teléfono para localizarle.*

      Relationship to the child/student, Relación con el niño/estudiante*

      Mother/ MadreFather/ PadreLegal Guardian/ tutor legalOther/ Otros

      Please select your child's grade/class from the following options.

      Seleccione el curso/clase de su hijo entre las siguientes opciones.*

      Please enter your child's full name/ Introduzca el nombre completo de su hijo*

      How would you prefer to attend this meeting?

      ¿Cómo prefiere asistir a esta reunión?*

      In-person scheduled appointment with Ms. Norgrove/ Cita programada en persona con la Sra. NorgroveVirtual scheduled appointment with Ms. Norgrove/ Cita virtual programada con la Sra. NorgroveScheduled phone call with Ms. Norgrove/ Llamada telefónica programada con la Sra. Norgrove

      Please provide details including dates, names & times about the specific incident involving your child.*

      Por favor, proporcione detalles incluyendo fechas, nombres y horas sobre el incidente específico que involucra a su hijo. Nota: Este formulario está pensado para tratar un incidente cada vez. Si tiene varios problemas, rellene formularios distintos para cada uno de ellos.

      Have you already addressed this matter with the Principal? Depending on the nature of the complaint, the school-based leaders might be the most appropriate personnel to handle the matter. If the matter is about the school leaders, the matter is serious in nature and rises above what should be addressed by the school, or you have addressed the matter with the school leaders and were not satisfied, the Executive Director will address the matter.

      ¿Ha tratado ya este asunto con el Director? Dependiendo de la naturaleza de la queja, los responsables de la escuela podrían ser el personal más adecuado para tratar el asunto. Si el asunto se refiere a los responsables de la escuela, el asunto es de naturaleza grave y supera lo que debería tratar la escuela, o usted ha tratado el asunto con los responsables de la escuela y no quedó satisfecho, el Director Ejecutivo tratará el asunto.

      Yes, I have met with the school leaders, but I am not satisfied with the resolutionSí, me he reunido con los responsables de la escuela, pero no estoy satisfecho con la resolución.No, I have not met with the school leaders/No, no me he reunido con los responsables de la escuela.The matter is a complaint about the principal/Se trata de una queja contra el director

      Describe a proposed resolution of the problem. What do you believe should occur to correct the problem and/or how the school could resolve the alleged violation?*

      Describa una propuesta de resolución del problema. Qué cree que debería ocurrir para corregir el problema y/o cómo podría resolver la escuela la presunta infracción?

      By signing this form, you are affirming that all the information provided is truthful and accurate to the best of your knowledge regarding this incident. Please type in your full name as an electronic signature.*

      Al firmar este formulario, afirma que toda la información facilitada es veraz y exacta a su leal saber y entender en relación con este incidente. Por favor, escriba su nombre completo como firma electrónica.