Third Grade Learns About Economics

As part of their PYP theme “How We Organize Ourselves” our third grade students have been exploring “the interconnectedness of human-made systems and communities“ by studying “economic activities and their impact on humankind and the environment.” Our third graders were visited by Sal Maglietta, Executive Vice President for Corporate Banking at U.S. Bank, who spoke about supply-and-demand, natural resources, and needs versus wants. Our students were fascinated by the systems and structures that shape our everyday lives! Thank you to Mr. Maglietta for speaking to our students and to Ms. DeJesus for helping to organize the event!

Como parte del tema de PYP "Cómo nos organizamos nosotros mismos", nuestros estudiantes de tercer grado han estado explorando "la interconexión de sistemas y comunidades humanas" estudiando "las actividades económicas y su impacto en la humanidad y el medio ambiente". Hoy nos visito el Sr. Sal Maglietta, Vicepresidente Ejecutivo de Banca Corporativa de US Bank, quien habló sobre la provicion y la demanda, los recursos naturales y las necesidades frente a los deseos. Nuestros estudiantes estaban fascinados por los sistemas y estructuras que dan forma a nuestra vida cotidiana! ¡Gracias al Sr. Maglietta por hablar con nuestros estudiantes ya la Sra. DeJesus por ayudar a organizar el evento!